Online-Vortragsreihe »Radar in Aktion«  /  12. Oktober 2021, 14.00-14.30

Observing and Supporting De-orbiting Operations with the TIRA Space Observation Radar

Sprache: Englisch

An increasingly dense population of space debris is orbiting the Earth posing a significant risk to active satellites and the multitude of applications that depend upon them. The Tracking and Imaging Radar (TIRA) is a unique system offering the capability to determine satellite and debris orbits with high precision and produce high-resolution images thereof. The radar data are used to obtain precise orbital elements, attitude motion parameters, and other important satellite properties.


Dr. Vassilis Karamanavis


Here, the TIRA system will be discussed with an emphasis on recent contributions of TIRA in the field of deorbiting, along with showing and discussing cases of objects that re-entered in a controlled fashion or naturally. Furthermore, we will direct our attention to the evaluation of the status and performance of deorbiting devices (e.g. drag sails) in the context of active debris removal (ADR) operations. Finally, the potential contribution of TIRA in upcoming ADR test missions and in-orbit servicing will be discussed."

Target Group:

  • Customers, partners and interested parties from industry, politics, science and society
  • Specialists and managers, project managers and decision makers


The participation in the event is free of charge.


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