Publikationen 2021

Publikationen 2021

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Publication Type
2021 Avoiding Interference in Multi-Emitter Environments: A Reinforcement Learning Approach
Ak, Serkan; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2021 Choice of the parameters in a primal-dual algorithm for Bregman iterated variational regularization
Altuntac, E.
Journal Article
2021 Waveform Design for Sparse Signal Processing in Radar
Anitori, Laura; Ender, Joachim
Conference Paper
2021 Analyzing the Effective Coherent Integration Time for Space Surveillance Radar Processing
Awadhiya, Rajat; Vehmas, Risto
Conference Paper
2021 High resolution multi-aspect SAR imaging of military vehicles
Berens, P.; Walterscheid, I.; Saalmann, O.; El-Arnauti, G.
Conference Paper
2021 Development and Characterization of a Plastic 3D-Printed only external-layer Metal-Coated Waveguide Antenna Array
Betancourt, D.; Galvis-Salzburg, C.; Weinmann, F.
Conference Paper
2021 Cable mantle for shield current suppression in a shielded cable
Betancourt, Diego; Bertuch, Thomas; Jenne, Jürgen Walter; Günther, Matthias
2021 Dual Cancelled Channel STAP for Target Detection and DOA Estimation in Passive Radar
Blasone, G.P.; Colone, F.; Lombardo, P.; Wojaczek, P.; Cristallini, D.
Journal Article
2021 Passive Radar STAP detection and DoA estimation under antenna calibration errors
Blasone, Giovanni Paolo; Colone, Fabiola; Lombardo, Pierfrancesco; Wojaczek, Philipp; Cristallini, Diego
Journal Article
2021 Jet collimation in NGC 315 and other nearby AGN
Boccardi, B.; Perucho, M.; Casadio, C.; Grandi, P.; MacConi, D.; Torresi, E.; Pellegrini, S.; Krichbaum, T.P.; Kadler, M.; Giovannini, G.; Karamanavis, V.; Ricci, L.; Madika, E.; Bach, U.; Ros, E.; Giroletti, M.; Zensus, J.A.
Journal Article
2021 Effects of Movement for High Time-Bandwidths in Batched Pulse Compression Range-Doppler Radar
Bok, D.; O'Hagan, D.; Knott, P.
Journal Article
2021 Geometry-Induced Acceleration in case of a Straight-Line Target Trajectory in Bistatic Radar
Bok, Dominik
Journal Article
2021 A Full E-Band Single-Channel SiGe Transceiver MMIC for Monostatic FMCW Radar Systems
Bredendiek, C.; Hansen, S.; Briese, G.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2021 Theoretical foundations of deep learning
Brüggenwirth, S.; Wagner, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Results on Super-Resolution and Target Identification Techniques from the SPERI Project
Brüggenwirth, Stefan; Wagner, Simon; Bieker, Tanja; Battisti, Nicola; Rispoli, Vincenzo; Greco, Mario; Pinelli, Gianpaolo; Cataldo, Davide; Martorella, Marco
Journal Article
2021 Miniaturisiertes Millimeterwellen SAR auf kleinen Flugplattformen
Caris, Michael
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Susceptibility of COTS sensors to IEMI using pulse modulated signals
Cesbron Lavau, Louis; Suhrke, Michael; Knott, Peter
2021 MIMO-ISAR-Based UWB Imaging System for Non-Destructive Testing
Cetinkaya, Harun; Nowok, Sandra; Herschel, Reinhold
Conference Paper
2021 Dealing with co-channel interference in multi-channel airborne passive radar
Cristallini, D.; Summers, A.; Wojaczek, P.; Young, R.; O'Hagan, D.
Journal Article
2021 Complementary direct data domain STAP for multichannel airborne passive radar
Cristallini, D.; Rosenberg, L.; Wojaczek, P.
Conference Paper
2021 Fiber-based frequency modulated LiDAR with MEMS scanning capability for long-range sensing in automotive applications
Cwalina, S.; Kottke, C.; Jungnickel, V.; Freund, R.; Runge, P.; Rustige, P.; Knieling, T.; Gu-Stoppel, S.; Albers, J.; Laske, N.; Senger, F.; Wen, L.; Giovanneschi, F.; Altuntac, E.; Ramesh, A.N.; Gonzalez-Huici, M.A.; Kuter, A.; Reddy, S.
Conference Paper
2021 Elektronische Schaltung zur gesteuerten Signalweiterleitung
Daalmanns, Norbert
2021 Sampling criteria for mutual over-the-air synchronisation of radar sensors
Dallmann, Thomas
Journal Article
2021 Rotation numbers and the euler class in open books
Durst, S.; Kegel, M.; Licata, J.E.
Journal Article
2021 Nested open books and the binding sum
Durst, S.; Klukas, M.
Journal Article
2021 Quality of service based radar resource management using deep reinforcement learning
Durst, Sebastian; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2021 3D Printed and Metallized Ka-Band Orthomode Transducer for Polarimetric Radar Applications
Freialdenhoven, T.; Witte, P.; Dallmann, T.
Conference Paper
2021 A Ka-Band Polarization Rotating Multilayer Reflector for Polarimetric Radars
Freialdenhoven, Tim; Dallmann, Thomas
Conference Paper
2021 Observing Water Surface Temperature from Two Different Airborne Platforms over Temporarily Flooded Wadden Areas at the Elbe Estuary
Fricke, K.; Baschek, B.; Jenal, A.; Kneer, C.; Weber, I.; Bongartz, J.; Wyrwa, J.; Schöl, A.
Journal Article
2021 Refraction Compensation in Non-Destructive Testing
Froehly, A.; Herschel, R.
Conference Paper
2021 Refraction compensation for non-destructive testing of fibre-composite materials
Froehly, Andre; Herschel, Reinhold
Conference Paper
2021 A 61-GHz RFID frontend with SiGe transceiver MMIC and SIW coupling network
Funke, Dominic A.; Hansen, Steffen; Bredendiek, Christian; Grenter, Thorben; Bögel, Gerd vom; Harutyunyan, Armen; Fiedler, Raik; Heinig, Andreas; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2021 Counter-Interception and Counter-Exploitation Features of Noise Radar Technology
Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Savci, K.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2021 Noise Radar Technology: Waveforms Design and Field Trials
Galati, G.; Pavan, G.; Savci, K.; Wasserzier, C.
Journal Article
2021 Quantum Illumination with Multiple Entangled Photons
Gallego Torromé, R.
Journal Article
2021 Post-integration Antenna Characterisation for a V-band Drone-detection Radar
Geschke, R.H.; Shoykhetbrod, A.; Brauns, R.; Schwäbig, C.; Wickmann, S.; Leuchs, S.; Krebs, C.; Küter, A.; Nüssler, D.
Conference Paper
2021 Online Dictionary Learning for Classification of Antipersonnel Landmines using Ground penetrating Radar
Giovanneschi, Fabio
2021 A Compact Harmonic Radar System with Active Tags at 61/122 GHz ISM Band in SiGe BiCMOS for Precise Localization
Hansen, S.; Bredendiek, C.; Briese, G.; Pohl, N.
Journal Article
2021 D-Band FMCW Radar Sensor for Industrial Wideband Applications with Fully-Differential MMIC-to-RWG Interface in SIW
Hansen, S.; Bredendiek, C.; Briese, G.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2021 Rx Beamforming for Long Baseline Multistatic Radar Networks
Hoffmann, Rudolf; Neuberger, Nadav; Vehmas, Risto
Conference Paper
2021 Non-contact Blood Pressure Estimation Using a 300 GHz Continuous Wave Radar and Machine Learning Models
Jung, Marie; Caris, Michael; Stanko, Stephan
Conference Paper
2021 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erwärmung dielektrischer Objekte mit einer gleichmäßigen Wärmeverteilung mittels Hochfrequenzstrahlung
Liontas, Christos
2021 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur gleichmäßigen Erwärmung dielektrischer Objekte mittels Hochfrequenzstrahlung
Liontas, Christos
2021 Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Erwärmung dielektrischer Objekte mit einer vorgebbaren Wärmeverteilung mittels Hochfrequenzstrahlung
Liontas, Christos
2021 Feasibility Study on the Acquisition of Automotive Radar Data of Urban Traffic Scenarios in Bangkok
Nair, Sreejith; Palaksha, Yeshaswini; Pongthavornkamol, Tiwat; Dallmann, Thomas; Noomwongs, Nuksit; Chalermwisutkul, Suramate
Conference Paper
2021 Dimension-Reduced Rx Beamforming Optimized for Simultaneous Detection and Estimation
Neuberger, Nadav; Vehmas, Risto; Ender, Joachim
Journal Article
2021 A Costas-Based Waveform for Local Range-Doppler Sidelobe Level Reduction
Neuberger, Nadav; Vehmas, Risto
Journal Article
2021 Terahertz-basierte zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (ZfP). Das Unsichtbare sichtbar machen
Nüßler, D.; Jonuscheit, J.
Journal Article
2021 Passive radar avalanche warning method and system
O'Hagan, Daniel; Cristallini, Diego; Seidel, Viktor; Cesbron Lavau, Louis
2021 3-D point cloud generation from airborne single-pass and single-channel circular SAR data
Palm, S.; Stilla, U.
Journal Article
2021 Spatial Mapping of Material Properties utilizing FMCW near Field Radar Scans
Pawliczek, S.; Herschel, R.; Pohl, N.
Conference Paper
2021 DVB-S Based Passive Polarimetric ISAR - Methods and Experimental Validation
Pisciottano, Iole; Santi, Fabrizio; Pastina, Debora; Cristallini, Diego
Journal Article
2021 Quality losses of stap in case of missing pulses
Pruente, L.
Conference Paper
2021 Landmark-based RADAR SLAM for Autonomous Driving
Ramesh, Avinash Nittur; Moreno León, Carlos; Centenera Zafra, Jorge; Brüggenwirth, Stefan; González-Huici, María Antonia
Conference Paper
2021 Range migration algorithm with improved two-step motion compensation
Ribalta, A.
Conference Paper
2021 ISAR imaging by integrated compressed sensing, range alignment and autofocus
Rosebrock, F.; Rosebrock, J.; Cerutti-Maori, D.; Ender, J.
Conference Paper
2021 Distinguishing living and non living subjects in a scene based on vital parameter estimation
Rudrappa, Manjunath Thindlu; Herschel, Reinhold; Knott, Peter
Conference Paper
2021 Preliminary investigations toward multi-frame DVB-S based passive ISAR
Santi, F.; Pisciottano, I.; Cristallini, D.; Pastina, D.
Conference Paper
2021 First experimental results on multi-angle DVB-S based passive ISAR exploiting multipolar data
Santi, Fabrizio; Pisciottano, Iole; Pastina, Debora; Cristallini, Diego
Conference Paper
2021 Development of a millimetre wave based SAR real-time imaging system for three-dimensional non-destructive testing
Schwäbig, C.; Wang, S.; Gütgemann, S.
Journal Article
2021 Localisation of trapped victims using spatially distributed, synchronised FMCW radar sensors
Shargorodskyy, Maksim; Herschel, Reinhold
Conference Paper
2021 Design of a Polarization Rotating FSS for Polarimetric Automotive Radar Measurements
Sims, A.; Freialdenhoven, T.; Dallmann, T.
Conference Paper
2021 A Single-Layer Metasurface Resonator for 3T MRI Local Signal Enhancement
Stoja, E.; Philipp, D.; Betancourt, D.; Konstandin, S.; Wilke, R.N.; Umathum, R.; Jenne, J.; Bertuch, T.; Günther, M.
Conference Paper
2021 Improving magnetic resonance imaging with smart and thin metasurfaces
Stoja, E.; Konstandin, S.; Philipp, D.; Wilke, R.N.; Betancourt, D.; Bertuch, T.; Jenne, J.; Umathum, R.; Günther, M.
Journal Article
2021 Elektronisch einstellbares Hochfrequenz-Filter
Thelen, Benedikt
2021 High Resolution SAR Imaging Using a 240 GHz FMCW Radar System with Integrated On-Chip Antennas
Thomas, Sven; Froehly, André; Bredendiek, Christian; Herschel, Reinhold; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2021 Verfahren zum Betrieb eines MIMO-Radarsystems sowie dafür ausgebildetes Radarsystem
Thomas, Sven; Küter, Andries; Krebs, Christian; Pohl, Nils
2021 System- und Antennenkonzepte für ein FMCW-Radarsystem auf Basis eines 240-GHz-SiGe-Transceiver-MMIC
Thomas, Sven
Doctoral Thesis
2021 Joint Communication and Radar Sensing: An Overview
Thomä, Reiner; Dallmann, Thomas; Jovanoska, Snezhana; Knott, Peter; Schmeink, Anke
Conference Paper
2021 UWB Millimeter-wave 1D MIMO Array for Non-destructive Testing
Tolin, E.; Campo, M.A.; Cetinkaya, H.; Herschel, R.; Guetgemann, S.; Krebs, C.; Bruni, S.
Conference Paper
2021 Verfahren zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit lokaler Wettervorhersagen
Valdes Crespi, Ferran
2021 A new airborne network concept to improve air navigation safety
Valdes Crespi, Ferran; Sandenbergh, Stephan; Schell, Jochen; O'Hagan, Daniel; Knott, Peter
Conference Paper
2021 Investigation of Printed Meander-Line Bow-Tie Structures for GNSS Antenna Elements and Arrays with Planar-3D Integral Equation Methods
Vaupel, Thomas
Conference Paper
2021 Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging: A Historical Perspective and State-of-the-Art Survey
Vehmas, R.; Neuberger, N.
Journal Article
2021 Deep neural network design for SAR/ISAR-based automatic target recognition
Wagner, S.; Brüggenwirth, S.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2021 Fool the COOL - On the Robustness of Deep Learning SAR ATR Systems
Wagner, Simon; Panati, Chandana; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2021 Egomotion estimation for a sensor platform by fusion of radar and IMU data
Wallrath, Patrick; Herschel, Reinhold
Conference Paper
2021 Robust point-shaped landmark detection using polarimetric radar
Weishaupt, F.; Will, P.S.; Appenrodt, N.; Tilly, J.F.; Dickmann, J.; Heberling, D.
Conference Paper
2021 A Three-Stage Inter-Channel Calibration Approach for Passive Radar on Moving Platforms Exploiting the Minimum Variance Power Spectrum
Wojaczek, P.; Cristallini, D.; O'Hagan, D.W.; Colone, F.; Blasone, G.P.; Lombardo, P.
Journal Article
2021 Matched Correlation of linear and non-linear frequency-modulated waveforms for far-field TDOA-DoA in the context of MFRFS
Worms, Josef; Kohler, Michael; O'Hagan, Daniel
Conference Paper
2021 Circularly Polarized Periodic Leaky-Wave Antenna Based on Dielectric Image Line for Millimeter-Wave Radar Applications
Zandamela, A.; Al-Bassam, A.; Heberling, D.
Journal Article
2021 Digital pattern synthesis with a compact MIMO antenna of half-wavelength diameter
Zandamela, A.; Schraml, K.; Chalermwisutkul, S.; Heberling, D.; Narbudowicz, A.
Journal Article
2021 Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik. Jahresbericht 2020
Annual Report
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