Publikationen 2023

Publikationen 2023

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Publication Type
2023 Deep Learning-Based Material Characterization Using FMCW Radar With Open-Set Recognition Technique
Abouzaid, Salah; Jaeschke, Timo; Kueppers, Simon; Barowski, Jan; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 Direction of Arrival Estimation on Sparse Arrays Using Compressive Sensing and MUSIC
Arumugam, Ram Kishore; Froehly, André; Herschel, Reinhold; Wallrath, Patrick; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2023 Reinforcement Learning Approach for a Cognitive Framework for Classification
Barth, Kilian; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2023 Experimental comparison of Starlink and OneWeb signals for passive radar
Blázquez Garcia, Rodrigo; Cristallini, Diego; Ummenhofer, Martin; Seidel, Viktor; Heckenbach, Jörg; O'Hagan, Daniel
Conference Paper
2023 A phase-locked loop with a jitter of 50 fs for astronomy applications
Braun, Tobias T.; Van Delden, Marcel; Bredendiek, Christian; Schoepfel, Jan; Hauptmeier, Stephan; Shillue, William; Musch, Thomas; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 6GEM Perspective on Joint Communication and Sensing
Bögel, Gerd vom; Sezgin, Aydin; Pohl, Nils; Vossiek, Martin; Weimer, Michael; Wessel, Jan; Wietfeld, Christian; Thill, Ruben; Braun, Tobias T.; Haferkamp, Markus; Sivadevuni, Srivardhan Sarma; Kögel, Tobias; Häger, Simon; Böcker, Stefan; Geiß, Johanna
Conference Paper
2023 Susceptibility of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Sensors to IEMI using Pulse Modulated Signals
Cesbron Lavau, Louis; Suhrke, Michael; Knott, Peter
Journal Article
2023 Securing Temperature Measurements: An Assessment of Sensors' Vulnerability to IEMI
Cesbron Lavau, Louis; Suhrke, Michael; Knott, Peter
Conference Paper
2023 K-space signal occupancy of Starlink signals and their applications in passive radar imaging
Cristallini, Diego; Blázquez Garcia, Rodrigo; O'Hagan, Daniel
Conference Paper
2023 Frequency-Controlled Polarizers for Polarimetric Radar Applications
Freialdenhoven, Tim
Doctoral Thesis
2023 Metal-Coated 3D-Printed Waveguide Antenna for 77 GHz Automotive Radar Applications
Galvis Salzburg, Carlos; Hofinger, Jürgen; Bertuch, Thomas; Lee, Steve; Schüssler, Frank; Kwon, Andrew
Conference Paper
2023 Radar Band Fusion Using Frame-Based Compressed Sensing
Guha, Sanhita; Bathelt, Andreas; Heredia Conde, Miguel Heredia; Ender, Joachim
Journal Article
2023 Characterization of deorbiting satellites and space debris with radar
Karamanavis, Vassilis; Dirks, Heinrich; Fuhrmann, Lars; Schlichthaber, Frank; Egli, Nora; Patzelt, Thomas; Klare, Jens
Journal Article
2023 Quasioptical Fresnel-based lens antenna with frequency-steerable focal length for millimeter wave radars
Muckermann, Niklas; Barowski, Jan; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 Quality of Service Based Radar Resource Management for Navigation and Positioning
Müller, Matthias Tobias; Durst, Sebastian; Marquardt, Pascal; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2023 Quality of service based radar resource management for synchronisation problems
Müller, Tobias; Durst, Sebastian; Marquardt, Pascal; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2023 Imaging radar systems for non-destructive material testing. An overview of the state of the art, the limitations and the opportunities of radar technology
Nüßler, Dirk; Leuchs, Sven; Krebs, Christian
Conference Paper
2023 Partitioning of Radar Signals in Stationary and Ground Moving Targets by use of Low-Rank and Compressed Sensing Methods
Panhuber, Reinhard
Doctoral Thesis
2023 Fast, Efficient, and Viable Compressed Sensing, Low-Rank, and Robust Principle Component Analysis Algorithms for Radar Signal Processing
Panhuber, Reinhard
Journal Article
2023 A Wideband Four-Channel SiGe D-Band Transceiver MMIC for TDM MIMO FMCW Radar
Papurcu, Hakan; Romstadt, Justin; Hansen, Steffen; Krebs, Christian; Aufinger, Klaus; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2023 The Measurement of Radar-Plasma Signatures in a Hypersonic Shock Tunnel: Simulation and Experiment
Petervari, René; Weidner, Stephan; Nekris, Alexander; Brüggenwirth, Stefan; Knott, Peter
Journal Article
2023 Benchmarking Convolutional Neural Network Backbones for Target Classification in SAR
Qosja, Denisa; Wagner, Simon; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Conference Paper
2023 SIUNet: Sparsity Invariant U-Net for Edge-Aware Depth Completion
Ramesh, Avinash Nittur; Giovanneschi, Fabio; Gonzalez Huici, Maria Antonia
Conference Paper
2023 Tomographic Reconstruction of the Index of Refraction Using Radar at 15 GHz
Rhiem, Dominik; Froehly, André; Wallrath, Patrick
Conference Paper
2023 A 117.5-155-GHz SiGe ×12 Frequency Multiplier Chain With Push-Push Doublers and a Gilbert Cell-Based Tripler
Romstadt, Justin; Zaben, Ahmad; Papurcu, Hakan; Stadler, Pascal; Welling, Tobias; Aufinger, Klaus; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 Computerprogramm, Vorrichtung und Verfahren zur Emulation der Synchronisation von Takten
Sandenbergh, Jacobus Stephanus
2023 Multi-angle DVB-S based passive ISAR sensitivity to target motion estimation errors
Santi, Fabrizio; Pisciottano, Iole; Pastina, Debora; Cristallini, Diego
Conference Paper
2023 Optimized Assessment Procedure for Maximal RF Exposure to 5G Massive MIMO Base Stations in Non-Line-of-Sight Scenarios - Part 2: Verification by Field Measurements
Schiffarth, Anna-Malin; Schilling, Lisa-Marie; Bornkessel, Christian; Hein, Matthias A.; Heberling, Dirk
Conference Paper
2023 Optimized Assessment Procedure for Maximal RF Exposure to 5G Massive MIMO Base Stations in Non-Line-of-Sight Scenarios - Part 1: Theoretical and Numerical Investigations
Schilling, Lisa-Marie; Bornkessel, Christian; Schiffarth, Anna-Malin; Heberling, Dirk; Hein, Matthias A.
Conference Paper
2023 A Differential SiGe HBT Doherty Power Amplifier for Automotive Radar at 79 GHz
Schoepfel, Jan; Rücker, Holger; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2023 Incremental Deinterleaving of Radar Emitters
Scholl, Stefan; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Long baseline bistatic radar imaging of tumbling space objects for enhancing space domain awareness
Serrano, Alexander; Kobsa, Alexander; Uysal, Faruk; Cerutti-Maori, Delphine; Ghio, Selenia; Kintz, Andrew; Morrison, Robert L.; Welch, Sarah; van Dorp, Philip; Hogan, Gregory; Garrington, Simon; Bassa, Cees; Saunders, Chris; Martorella, Marco; Caro Cuenca, Miguel; Lowe, Isaac
Journal Article
2023 Coaxial Cable-Based Magnetic and Electric Near-Field Probes to Measure On-Chip Components up to 330 GHz
Sievert, Benedikt; Wittemeier, Jonathan; Svejda, Jan Taro; Pohl, Nils; Erni, Daniel; Rennings, Andreas
Journal Article
2023 A compact and fully integrated FMCW radar transceiver combined with a dielectric lens
Starke, David; Bott, Jonathan; Vogelsang, Florian; Sievert, Benedikt; Barowski, Jan; Schulz, Christian; Rücker, Holger; Rennings, Andreas; Erni, Daniel; Rolfes, Ilona; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 Motion Compensation in Six Degrees of Freedom for a MIMO Radar Mounted on a Hovering UAV
Stockel, Philipp; Wallrath, Patrick; Herschel, Reinhold; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 Correlation-based Motion Estimation for the Compensation of Horizontal Movements of a Hovering UAV
Stockel, Philipp; Wallrath, Patrick; Herschel, Reinhold; Pohl, Nils
Conference Paper
2023 Reconfigurable Metasurfaces and new Imaging Paradigms in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Stoja, Endri; Philipp, Dennis; Konstandin, Simon; Jenne, Jürgen Walter; Bertuch, Thomas; Günther, Matthias
Conference Paper
2023 Evaluation of the Influence of the Measuring Person on the Assessment of Mobile Radio Exposure with an Isotropic Measurement Probe
Ta, Thanh Tam Julian; Schiffarth, Anna-Malin; Heberling, Dirk
Conference Paper
2023 Characterisation of resident space objects using multistatic interferometric inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging
Thindlu Rudrappa, Manjunath; Albrecht, Marcus; Knott, Peter
Journal Article
2023 Dielectric frequency filtering lens antennas for radar measurements at 240 GHz
Thomas, Sven; Shoykhetbrod, Alex; Pohl, Nils
Journal Article
2023 Netzwerkknoten für ein Sensorsystem, Sensorsystem, Verfahren und Computerprogramm
Ummenhofer, Martin; Petervari, René; Biallawons, Oliver; Johannes, Winfried; Hommes, Alexander
2023 Multi-Sensor-integrierte adaptive Scheinwerfer für robuste Fahrerassistenzsysteme
Vogel, Sönke; Täschner, Kerstin; Schepers, Maurice; Weyer, Sara
Journal Article
2023 Multi Sensor Integrated Adaptive Headlights for Robust Drive Assistant Systems
Vogel, Sönke; Täschner, Kerstin; Schepers, Maurice; Weyer, Sara
Journal Article
2023 Waveform Adaptation for Target Classification using HRRP in a Cognitive Framework
Warnke, Marcel; Brüggenwirth, Stefan
Journal Article
2023 Flat-Plate PHP with Gravity-Independent Performance and High Maximum Thermal Load
Winkler, Markus; Vergez, Marc; Mahlke, Andreas; Gebauer, Mathias; Müller, Phillip; Reising, Christoph; Bartholome, Kilian; Schäfer-Welsen, Olaf
Journal Article
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