Summer School  /  13. Juli 2018  -  20. Juli 2018

10th International Summer School on Radar/SAR

One of Europe’s most renowned radar institutes Fraunhofer FHR cordially invites you to join us for our 10th International Summer School on Radar / SAR. We offer the unique opportunity to gain an in-depth education on radar and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) techniques by distinguished international lecturers. Our programme covers a wide range from radar fundamentals over state-of-the-art Radar/SAR systems to sophisticated array signal processing techniques.

As a student at the International Summer School you are welcome to a stimulating academic environment in a vibrant atmosphere among international radar specialists and experts. Our intellectually rewarding courses (<  35 students) are accompanied by excursions as well as cultural and social events, introducing you to UNESCO’s World Heritage, the Upper Middle Rhine Valley and to the famous city of Cologne.