Career platform  /  September 15, 2021, 10:00 - 16:00

bonding AutomotiveDay Aachen 2021

Meet us at pur booth at the bonding AutomotiveDay in Aachen and establish useful contacts for your career!

No matter if you’re looking for a position as student assistant, intern, for your bachelor’s or master’s thesis or even your Ph.D. – with Fraunhofer you get hands-on experience from the start! So set an exclamation mark to your CV by joining one of Europe’s largest research institutes for radar and high frequency technology.

Fraunhofer FHR designs, develops and implements complex high-frequency systems, executing each step in-house. The application spectrum ranges from reconnaissance, surveillance and protection systems to real-time capable sensors for traffic and navigation as well as quality assurance and non-destructive testing.

At Fraunhofer FHR, we recruit employees from the fields of electrical engineering, physics and mathematics. We’re looking forward to meeting you!