Doctoral Program MENELAOS

The European Training Network on Multimodal Environmental Exploration Systems – Novel Technologies (MENELAOSNT) stems from an initiative of Prof. Dr. Otmar Loffeld from the Center for Sensor Systems at the University of Siegen (ZESS). Dialog with Fraunhofer FHR led to the idea of establishing a collaboration between renowned European institutions in the field of Compressed Sensing. After several years of planning, the program was initiated on January 1, 2020. MENELAOSNT is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020/Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions research and innovation program. It provides 15 international early stage researchers with the opportunity to progress to a PhD via research on various algorithmic and hardware-oriented tasks.
Fraunhofer FHR is one of the collaborating partners of MENELAOSNT and is supervising two early stage researchers based in the High Frequency Radar and Applications (HRA) and Cognitive Radar (KR) departments. Sanhita Guha works at HRA, Saravanan Nagesh at KR. Both of them will also spend several months conducting research at the Weizmann Institute of Science near Tel Aviv, as well as at the University of Siegen and the Polytechnic University of Bucharest as part of their three-year doctoral programs.
The program comprises specialized lectures and courses at the partner universities, which take place online. In addition, the up-and-coming scientists are offered face-to-face workshops at their institutes on topics such as scientific writing, communication skills, job application strategies, networking at conferences, etc. Dr. Andreas Bathelt of HRA is the program
coordinator at Fraunhofer FHR. "It is great to see the results the PhD students are achieving in the program. Compared to the usual tasks of the institute, whose focus is more on the application of methods in for example industrial projects, the Horizon 2020 MSCA grant allows our ESRs to work independentlyfrom this focus. They work independently, unlike industrial projects, for example, where the focus is always on the application for the partners. Therefore, they can go much more into the details depth and design new methodologies themselves. MENELAOSNT envisages that the PhD students’ results will also be used further later on, definitely by the Institute," says Andreas Bathelt.