Fraunhofer TALENTA

© Fraunhofer FHR
TALENTA offers female scientist tailored trainings and career boosting networking.

What is TALENTA?
»Fraunhofer TALENTA« is a two-year career program for female scientists at different phases in their career. TALENTA kicks in at various career stages and offers both women in entry-level positions as well as female scientists on their way to a leadership and specialist career the same individual development program that it offers female managers.

Start off: Fraunhofer TALENTA start
TALENTA start is aimed at female university graduates and gives them guidance and advice as they embark on their careers in applied research. 

Accelerate: Fraunhofer TALENTA speed up
TALENTA speed up is designed for female scientists both within Fraunhofer and beyond, who already have professional experience (with or without management experience). It supports each candidate’s development at her respective career stage and offers professional training that matches her individual career path.

Refine: Fraunhofer TALENTA excellence
TALENTA excellence is aimed at women who aspire to or already hold a high management position at Fraunhofer – such as head of a department or business unit – and to become established researchers and managers.

Who can participate?
TALENTA focuses on STEM disciplines, esp. engineering. If you find an interesting vacancy at Fraunhofer FHR, you are welcome to apply referring to TALENTA.

What participants say...


»Thanks to TALENTA, I was able to start my PhD directly after completing my Master thesis at Fraunhofer IAP in the same department. Without this funding, the doctoral position would not have existed.
I used the funding both for further training to deepen my technical knowledge and for attending a conference in England. As a young scientist, the conference expanded my network to other scientists and industry.«

Christina Gabriel (Scientific Assistant at Fraunhofer IAP)


TALENTA speed up

»Above all, the TALENTA funding enabled me to create free time frames. I was able to use the additional time that I had available to build groups and to further my personal qualifications. So, I was able to choose which training courses I wanted to attend.«

Dr. Ines Veile (Group Leader and Deputy Head of Department at Fraunhofer IZFP)

TALENTA excellence

»I used the TALENTA funding primarily for the further development of my team or for my department. My goal was to be better equipped on a management level. In addition to leadership training, I also attended personal coaching appointments where I explicitly addressed my situation and that of my colleagues and team members.«

Dr. Iman Taha (Head of Department at Fraunhofer IGCV and Associate Professor at Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt)